Friday, August 18, 2006


Women's Action for Social Justice (WASJ) is a network comprising of 174 organizations representing the farmers, fisher-folk, plantation, labour, garment, migrant workers and others in various spheres and individuals with experience, bent on creating a better society.
This network is a group of organizations which works against work programmes purported to be for the development of the country but in fact which adversely affect the lives and livelihoods of the people as well as the environment and make the masses aware of the adverse effects of such programmes and obstruct the implementation of such activities in the country. The members of this network are engaged in the formulation of an alternate structure for the actual development based on the views of the masses. We got the opportunity to hand over to the then Prime Minister of Sri Lanka on 21.09.2005 prior to the Presidential Elections held in November 2005 a document embodying a series of proposals known as the "Women's Declaration for the Betterment of the Nation ."

CO- ORDINATION : By the SAVISTHRI (Women for Development Alternatives) Organization.

At the monthly Steering Committee meeting of the "Savisthri" (Women for Development Alternatives) Organization held on 05.02.2003, it was decided to hand over a document embodying our development alternatives to the representatives of the World Bank.

This was based on the undermentioned factor :
The development plans purported to be for the progress of the country and that are being implemented have resulted only in an increase in poverty and deterioration of the existing avenues of livelihoods. Since there is every possibility of implementing progressive plans in the interest of the masses without placing any burdens on them, the steering committee of the Savisthri Organization decided to inform that Savisthri is against such adverse programmes formulated by the World Bank and the other international lending institutions.

"Savisthri" not being alone:
Since this problem has developed into a big issue, the Savisthri organization instead of taking action single handed decided to summon the representatives of the organizations working for the upliftment of the women in farming, fishing, plantation sectors, labour and those in the other spheres and decided to have an initial discussion regarding this matter.

Hence the Savisthri Organization summoned individuals and organizations agreeable to exert impacts to defeat the plans/development programmes formulated by the World Bank and other international lending institutions, which are detrimental to the well being of the masses and their livelihoods.

A knowledge regarding the activities of the Network - "Women's Action for Social Justice" which meets every month at the instance and co-ordination of the "Savisthri" Organization carried out hitherto, could be gained through our web site.

Convener : Padma Pushpakanthi

Address : 30/4 (1/1), Uswatta Mawatha, Ethul Kotte, Sri Lanka

Telephone : 011-2865084, 077-3615536

Fax : 011-2865084

E-mail :

Web : http://


For more than 23 years Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims in the North and East provinces in Sri Lanka have been severely battered by the ongoing war. Although the Cease Fire Agreement (CFA) is in force, a war situation has arisen in the country which has created a sense of fear and instability amongst all the citizen of this country. Slaying of individuals and massacre of civilians which are rampant in the country as a result of the conflict between the government forces and the rebel group (LTTE) are heart rending incidents. Masses are unable to get at the truth as a result of the bias attitude of the media. The children who are affected by the war are leading miserable lives. The war situation which has resulted in property destruction and environmental damage in addition to the loss of life has retarded the development of the country politically socially and economically. If no prompt action is taken regarding this matter, the country's national issue would be aggravated and both parties engaged in the war would seek a solution by engaging in a war. This is not what the civilians require. Hence there should be a forum for the masses to express their views, to get at the truth and arrive at a common consensus.

Since this is an important factor, this decision was arrived at the monthly meeting of the "Women's Action for Social Justice" held on 15th July 2006 at the Savisthri Head Office.

Congress to arrive at a general consensus pertaining to awareness regarding the National issue, obtaining public opinion and regarding peace.

The Theme : "Let Us Move In Love To an Island of Humanity, Away From a Graveyard
of Death and Mourning."

Date : 2006. 09. 21

Time : From 1000hrs to 1600hrs

Venue : Auditorium of the Public Library, Colombo

Participants expected : Approximately 1000 or it may be more

Money had been allocated by Caritas New Zealand a funding partner of the Savisthri Organization, to a programme of Savisthri for summoning monthly meetings and for special minor programmes. We also received monetary assistance from Caritas in the month of May 2003, for a programme planned by the Savisthri Organization together with the network organizations against the work programme "Poverty Reduction for strategy paper (PRSP) implemented by the government at that time. Savisthri has no allocations for such activities. But as and when the necessity arises our organization makes arrangements to get finances for programmes which are considered as urgent and of an important nature.

On an earlier occasion for a protest campaign carried out by us on 21.09.2005 against the escalation of the cost of living and privatization, Action Aid Sri Lanka generously contributed to cover the expenses.

Therefore I forward herewith the estimates prepared by the committee appointed for this programme which is considered as timely and very important. Hence I shall thank you to go through this and apprise me early whether you could make a contribution regarding this matter to cover our expenses. If you are not in a position to extend your co-orperation in this regard which I do not think you would do at this very critical juncture, I kindly request you to forward it to another institution which is capable of fulfilling our request.


(i) Meals (Breakfast) (Rs. 50x1000) - 50,000.00
(ii) Meals (Lunch) ( Rs. 60x1000) - 60,000.00
(iii) Tea (Rs. 30x1000) - 30,000.00
(iv) Meals (Dinner) (Rs. 50x800) - 40,000.00

(v) Printing of Invitation cards and postage - 3,000.00
(vi) Cultural Team - 10,000.00
(vii) Charges for the Interpreter (for 1 day) - 6,000.00
(viii) Hall charges 3,000.00

(ix) Printing of banners

Banner of the Network (in 3 languages) }
Banner embodying the theme (in 3 languages) } - 15,000.00

(x) Sounds - 5,000.00
(xi) Photography 1,500.00
(xii) Hand Bills (Peace Document)
(Tamil – 5000 copies, Sinhala – 1000 copies) - 15,000.00

(xiii) Other Expenses - 10,000.00
(xiv) Transport - 378,000.00
(xv) Charges for the speakers - 2,000.00
Total 628,500.00

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